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Developing Your Evangelistic Ministry

11 Students enrolled
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Course Description

In Developing Your Evangelistic Ministry, Dr. Leslie McNulty takes you through 7 foundational principles essential to developing both a fruitful and personally successful evangelistic ministry.

You’ll lay the groundwork for a successful evangelistic ministry as you learn where and how to direct your focus to stay on course and discover keys to staying strong and inspired. You will be challenged to new levels of personal excellence and awareness that will help you avoid ministry-destroying traps. New avenues of ministry involvement are explored. Financial principles from God’s Word are examined to keep your ministry financially strong.

Whether you are an evangelist, minister, or layperson—whether your mission field is across the globe or across the street, Developing Your Evangelistic Ministry is designed to empower you with the tools necessary to be a relevant voice to your generation!


Course Outcome

These eight simple exercises will inspire and greatly enhance your personal approach to ministry and to fulfillment of the call that God has invested within your heart.

This Course will also serve to:

  • Establish a firm foundation on which God can build and fulfill His purpose.

  • Establish a structured support system that will last your entire ministry life.

  • Establish ministry patterns enabling you to avoid many of the enemy’s traps and pitfalls and to achieve everything God has called you to accomplish. 

ABOUT THE AUTHORDr. Leslie McNulty is an internationally acclaimed public speaker, author, certified John Maxwell coach and TV host of Divinely Inspired Ideas for Life. Dr. McNulty also works as a global strategist and teacher.As a global communicator, Dr. Leslie McNulty is known for her simple and passionate message. Dr. McNulty has addressed crowds of 5,000 to 250,000 and has won acclaim as one of the emerging international women’s voices of our time.Co-founder of Christian Adventures Interna­tional, with offices in the U.S., Russia and India, and pioneer of the Eurasian 100-Tent Project, she regularly conducts national leadership conferences entitled “Women of Miraculous Destiny.”Along with her husband, Kevin, she served for 16 years as co-minister and Global Event Director for the late Missionary Statesman Dr. T. L. Osborn.Dr. McNulty was catapulted into a drastically differ­ent phase of life in 1988, when her career changed from a bank manager and commercial loan officer in Florida to worldwide public figure. Through 10 years of experience living in Russia establishing churches, Bible schools and training missionaries, combined with experience in over 60 nations, she has developed a unique, intense perspective for today’s global environment. She holds a degree in Finance from Stetson University, a bachelor’s degree in Church Administration, a master’s degree in Theology and a conferred doctorate from Life Christian University.